Poor Man’s Proverbs #13: When TRUTH Intersects With A Lie, What Happens?

A lie is happy to exist when it has no challenges to its core of deception, but what happens when it intersects with truth?  The lie usually multiplies itself as it tries to counter the boldness and purity of truth. This is usually when you hear the old statement, “What had happened was…”  At that point, the lie is desperate and is merely grabbing at straws in an attempt to stay true to itself.

A lie multiplies itself as a strategy to defend and beat truth, but it is pointless. Truth has a Teflon like effect; nothing sticks to it. It can’t be denied its natural place above every form of a lie.

Note 2 Self: It has been said that the truth will set you free. However, a lie will only give you a false sense of security until it is eventually discovered and exposed.   

Blessings to you all, my friends.


The Note 2 Self Guy