Poor Man’s Proverbs #12: Hey Whiner, Let’s Make A Deal!

Philippians 2:14 says the following, “Do all things without complaining and disputing.”  Ever wonder why God requires this of us? Well, there are good reasons for this. Think about it. What are the traits of people who always complain?  They usually have a negative outlook on life; are hateful; are rude; are always angry or upset about something; are argumentative, and most people don’t like being around them.  Is that really what we want?

Let’s make a deal! Every time we complain about something, we have to give God thanks for two things that He has done for us.

Note 2 self: Why the 2 to 1 ratio? God deserves a little interest, doesn’t He?  I mean really, He has been putting up with our whining for years.  After a while, we will truly realize just how blessed we are, and the need to complain will diminish.

Blessings to you, my friends.


The Note 2 Self Guy