Poor Man’s Proverbs #11: Got A JERK For A Boss. What Do You Do?

Sadly, sometimes bosses can be JERKS.  Working for them can be a form of stressful torture. They consistently complain about everything. They yell and often micro-manage.  Their demands are unreasonable, and their tones are even disrespectful.  So, what are we to do?

God has this thing all figured out.  So what if your boss is a “JERK!”       Colossians 3:23 instructs us to do the following, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man.”

Note 2 self: Basically, we work for God, not man.  When we do our best work, we honor Him.

When we do this, good things happen. Obedience to this command usually results in promotions, salary increases, recognition, better job opportunities, increased job security and most importantly – PEACE OF MIND! At the end of the day, if our efforts are good enough for God, then they should be good enough for man.  If they are not, then it is time to bounce (move on) to our next blessing. Stress can kill and who wants that.

There should never be any shame in our game when we have given maximum effort to God in our work. Chins up – we have given God honor.

Bless to you all, my friends.


The Note 2 Self Guy