Poor Man’s Proverbs #8: Greatness Is In Your DNA

GREATNESS is in your DNA.  Just remember who created you.

Note 2 Self: DNA is the carrier of genetic information, and our DNA is directly linked to God Almighty.  All too often we forget this astonishing fact.  In Genesis 2:7, we read the following: “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

Think about it.  When God created most things, He merely commanded them into existence. Not so with man. He had personal and intimate involvement. The fact that He breathed life into man shows the unique and loving bond that God has with us. We should feel special and honored.

There is a part of God in all of us.  We are great because He is GREAT. We are all his children, and He loves us. Do not be deceived by the devil.

Is there GREATNESS is your DNA? The answer is a resounding YES!

Blessings to you all, my friends.


The Note 2 Self Guy

Poor Man’s Proverbs #3: God’s Ulterior Motive

Poor Man’s Proverbs # 3: God’s Ulterior Motive

God's ulterior motive






God has an ulterior motive; it is His love for you.

Note 2 Self: He sent His only son on a suicide mission so that mankind could have an opportunity for salvation. This is proof positive of His love for us.

Love is indeed God’s ulterior motive for you and me.

Have a blessed day, my friends!


The Note 2 Self Guy

Poor Man’s Proverbs #1: The Blessing Assassin

Poor Man’s Proverbs #1: The Blessing Assassin

Ungratefulness is a blessing assassin.

Note 2 Self: Ever blessed someone with your time or resources or helped them in some other way…only to receive no acknowledgement or appreciation for your efforts? No gratitude was ever expressed,

Their actions wouldn’t inspire you to want to help them again.

Although God is much more patient and merciful than mankind, I must believe that at some point, He would stop the blessings if we don’t appreciate them.


Yes, ungratefulness is a blessing assassin.

Have a blessed day, my friends!


The Note 2 Self Guy